Creative Depth Coaching™ sessions with Elise:
Mentor your Imagination, solve problems, discover your joy!

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In a private Creative Depth Coaching session with Elise you will have a chance to talk about your concerns, struggles and stuck places as well as your joys and strengths.  The discussion helps clarify an area to explore using Creative Coaching Tools and Expressive Arts modalities including Quick-Fire collage and painting,  Soulcollage®, art journaling, clay or sandtray play.  Elise creates a free and protected studio environment that helps you easily journey into your own imagination, a place beyond words and the linear mind, where unique solutions and a renewed perspective can be found.

Mentorships and private coaching are also available for Intuitive Painting.  These sessions are designed to help you find, and keep, your creative painting flow as you dive into the refreshing depths of your Soul and Psyche with paint brush in hand. You will learn to solve your own creative blocks, go deeper with your painting process and hear the subtle and powerful messages of your Soul's imagery.

As gentle guide and witness Elise helps you see that whatever is created during the session is an honored guest.  As honored guest, your images, stories, collages, paintings and santdtrays often have a special message if you get to know them further through dialoging, silent witness, or bringing into another medium.  In the serious play of the Expressive Art Studio your Soul begins to speak and your Heart begins to listen

Private Creativity Sessions with Elise

Each session includes all art materials and lasts approximately 1.5hours. 

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Creative Depth Coaching Package/6

package of 6 sessions each session is 75-90 minutes

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Out beyond ideas of wrong doing and right doing there is a field, I’ll meet you there.
— Rumi